“Diabetes isn’t the end of the world. All you need to do is take the proper care of your health.”


Diabetes is something that happens genetically or in hereditary basis. Not only will these but also due to some habitual nature and the environment you are surrounded in decide why people get diabetes. There are two types of Diabetes- Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.

Type 1 – This is the type where the immune system destroys the pancreas that creates insulin in the body.

Type 2 – Generally, the reason behind this type varies but one of the primary reasons would be a family history.


It is usually hard to know if you are going through diabetes or it has just started because the earlier symptoms are very minimal and it takes a while when the symptoms starts to appear. These are the symptoms that might be saying that you are going to be a diabetic-

Weariness and starvation: This is a symptom which is common at both Type 1 & 2 diabetes. When people starts getting tired and feel hungry most of the time even after you just ate something then that might be a sign of them having Diabetes.

Having the urge to pee more often: When there is an urgency to pee again and again even if you are not drinking that much of water, then that might be another sign that might be indicating that something is wrong with your health.

If your mouth gets dry and skin itchy: Another significant symptoms of diabetes is that your mouth gets dry and skin itchy. The reason behind it is that the body is using fluids to pee, so the skin gets dry and itchy.

Yeast infection: This is basically the symptom of Type 2 Diabetes. As we know that yeast feeds on glucose, so if you had one that might be a sign of having Diabetes. It is common to both Men and Women.

Takes time to heal cuts or soars: Maybe most of us know about this symptom and get us going worry about if we are prone to Diabetes. The cuts or soar gets very long time to heal than those people who haven’t got diabetes.

Feet or legs going numb : One another sign that you can look for to go get that glucose check up in your urine or blood is that your feet or legs starts to feel numb and there is also pain that you can feel.


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