Healthy Food You Should Eat

healthy food



  • Jaggery is the unrefined, raw form of sugar that was used in ancient times. It is widely used in India and South Asia as a sweetener
  • It retains the minerals, nutrients and vitamins present in cane juice
  • It is used in Ayurveda – the ancient Indian medical system – to treat dry cough, improve digestion and to cure a host of other health issues

Note: Today, super-phosphate is added in some types of jaggery as well. White, neat-looking jaggery is super-phosphate jaggery. It should be avoided. Instead, go for the “ugly”, dark-looking jaggery.


  • These are a complete diet by themselves.
  • In India, many yogis go on a 100% peanut diet because it is a complete food by itself, if it is eaten raw.

Note: Peanuts must be soaked for a minimum of six hours in water, which takes away certain aspects which in Ayurveda are called Pitta. If you eat peanuts without soaking them, it tends to cause rashes and nausea.


finger milget

  • Also known as ragi in Hindi, this millet is considered among the most nutritious of cereals.
  • Finger millet’s protein content has high biological value, so it is easily incorporated into the body.
  • Several amino acids crucial to human health are found in the grain. Some of these amino acids are deficient in most other cereals.
  • Dietary minerals are also found in abundance, especially Calcium which is available in concentrations five to thirty times greater than other cereals.
  • Phosphorus and iron content is also high.

Note: Finger millet can be made into rotis, dosas, porridge, cookies and even tasty laddus.


  • Watermelons are mostly water — about 92 percent — but this refreshing fruit is soaked with nutrients. Each juicy bite has significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. There’s even a modest amount of potassium. Plus, this quintessential summer snack is fat-free, very low in sodium and has only 40 calories per cup.

    “Foods that are high in antioxidants and amino acids allow your body to function optimally,” said Angela Lemond, a Plano, Texas-based registered dietitian nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Antioxidants help prevent damage, and cancer. Amino acids are the basic building block for protein, and protein is used in virtually every vital function in the body.”


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