
Today we are going to talk about something serious. Like pretty serious issues that are to be taken care of while one is living in this era. This disease is taking a toll on mass inhabiting in this planet. Cutting down the mystery to the minimum today we will be talking about the big C.

 Almost every one or two in a family seems to have a disease that turns out to be the product of cancer. The rate is increasing as well as the research to reduce it or cure it is high. The American Cancer Society sets a goal to reduce Cancer by 2035.

When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: You haven’t. 

But to begin with, the basic things that need to be done in case of eliminating the big C entirely from our lives, there are certain points that are prescribed to be followed in order to feel safe and free from it.

To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” –Buddha


Regular exercise :

Exercise daily
Exercise daily

It is highly imperative to get into a lifestyle where regular exercise becomes a routine and not something you get tempts to skip.

The average amount of exercise that an adult should get is 150 minutes and 75 minutes of brisk walking. For children, it is mandatory to have at least 1 hour of daily activity.

Cancer screening tests:

Another point to be considered while looking after ways to reduce the risk of cancer to the minimum.

The benefit of having screening done at a regular interval helps to get cancer identified at an early stage which in a way helps to cure the disease even at the earliest!

Maintaining the weight:

Balanced Weight
Balanced Weight

Yes! Another factor is controlling the weight. It has been seen that excess weight leads to breast, colon, endometrial or kidney cancer. So it is better to have a check on your weight by maintaining a healthy lifestyle more often.

Stick to a healthy diet:

Healthy Diet
Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is a must do. Like literally for anything the first and foremost thing that would be asked to you to do will be maintaining a proper diet. The whole body functions properly when you are using the proper diet chart and keeping it intact.

Avoiding toxics:

Well, another one of the basic things that you are to follow is to avoid the intake of any kind of toxins. While saying toxic the two primary things that come in are tobacco and alcohol.

Intake of these leads to addiction which is quite injurious and be one of the major reasons as to a case leading towards the big C. So it is better if you just say a big NO to such toxics.


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