
May 1st is marked as Labour’s Day which is also termed as International Workers Day. it is celebrated on the 1st of May it is also often said as May Day. Apart from that, the Indian version of it would be Antarrashtriya Shramik Divas!!! The day is a celebration of all the workers around the world.

Today is a mandate celebration because in a way hard work needs to be acknowledged.

Back in the 19th century, many dates were chosen over different months to commemorate a day to the labours but at last May 1st got the recognition of International Workers Day because of the Haymarket Affair in Chicago.

Not that it’s just one day people need to celebrate these people but every day because they are vital to each and every organization we set foot to.

Without them, no organization can stand strong with content in their eyes to make its country a developed one or even a better one.

So even though it’s just one day specifically but Labours Day should be celebrated each day in every part of the world by respecting them for what they do for us

Labours Day in India

To dig back into the past, the first labours day in India was celebrated at Madras than Chennai Now. This day is commemorated to all the labours and social parties.

How does the celebration go?

Different countries tend to observe it differently and India particularly has its own sort of way to get into the performance. The PM of India always thank the labours of India as well as all over the world for their hard work which leads to progress day by day of a country. Various camps are set up and some celebrations are observed with great pomp and show. All the labors come together in different parts of the subcontinent to be happy and gay.

To be thankful enough to all those workers who just give their heart, soul & sweat just to do the work done and make our country a progressive one. We are and will always be grateful and this day is just one sign of such gratitude we have for you.

To all the upcoming labours who are coming forward to work and give a face to this country to make our life liveable and loveable both.

You are an inspiration and pride. Wishing all of you a Happy and Lasting Labours Day


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