Health is Wealth

Health is wealth
Zumba, dance. Health is wealth
Health is wealth

Being Healthy Is The New Fashion Statement

One can do a favor to his body is by being healthy and fit.  In today’s time everyone is busy in their own race, competing in their own fields/careers that their health is being neglected. No one wants an over-sized figure and an unattractive personality. But the reality is that people are facing all these issues because of their lifestyle. Being healthy is the greatest gift you can choose for yourself. And trust, it’s not that much hard.

Health includes both physical health and mental health. One should be mentally calm and peaceful, keeping themselves away from all the negativity around. On other side, physical fitness is important to enjoy a healthy living. Mental and physical health is like, two tires of a bicycle. If any tire has a lesser air pressure, it took lots of efforts to ride that cycle, ultimately resulting in poor ride quality.

Why Fitness is important for everyone?

  • It makes one look attractive and confident
  • Prevent many diseases
  • Improves immune system
  • Improves your mood
  • Slowdowns aging process
  • Helps one sleep better
  • Controlled body weight
  • Improve your stamina & many more

How to achieve what one thrives for – stay fit?

It’s not that hard, all you need is to start acting towards how you want to see yourself. Write down your health and fitness goals on paper and paste it, where you can always see it. Next thing is to choose from indoor and outdoor activities as per your preferences. For example, morning walk, yoga, swimming, running, gym, aerobics, dance classes & many more.

Yoga can be a good initiative for proper mental health whereas, for physical health, one should eat a balanced diet and do exercises. Skipping diets or eating less will not do wonders for your body. But having organized meals coupled with proper workout sessions will definitely help you achieve what you want. Proper diet enhances immunity and is key to stay healthy.


Aerobics, Zumba and Dance are the various forms of health exercises which are attracting today’s population a lot. Apart from going to gym, people are opting these fun ways to stay healthy and fit. It is seen now a days that in countries like UK, Canada or may it be USA people join Bhangra dance classes and they are actually proving it to be a wonderful way of being healthy and fit with lots of fun and improved stamina. Bhangra, apart from being a Punjabi dance form, is full of energy is proving itself to be the most opted source of fitness. Similarly aerobics and zumba have shown a positive response among people as they don’t have to lift heavy gym equipment or do various tough exercises to stay fit.

Muscle training is also very important, expert gym coach can help you achieve your goal fast and more effectively.

Sometimes it is seen that some people have more strength and stamina than the other one despite of the fact that they both are doing the same exercise or following the same diet plan. The fact is that one must be doing something wrong as he is not getting the results. May be the wrong way of exercising or the wrong intake of the diet suggested be the reason. So, always do exercise under expert’s guidance.

Don’t forget NO GAIN without PAIN. Start taking pain for your body now, follow healthy eating habits and you aren’t far from your dream of having a fit body and a healthy mind.


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