Unleashing Joy: How Owning a Dog Can Change Your Life (and Theirs Too!)

Dog loveer
There’s something really extraordinary about the bond that a dog lover shares with his dog. Whether you’re going on a walk with your puppy or playing indoors , feeding him or scratching his stomach while relaxing on your sofa , your dog would be...


Hair hacks FI
THE MIRACLE OF HAIR : Hair is one of the most alluring features of the human body. To take precise care of it is extremely necessary just to feel the confidence in your face beaming like a rainbow on every wonderful day. But though they...


MEDITATION POWER : As quoted by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, “The Kingdom of heaven is like electricity. You don’t see it. It is within you.” In order to find heaven within you, there is an easy way to connect to your inner soul. Just get purely...

5 Foods That Cuts Your Belly Fat

5 foods that cut your belly fat
Belly fat can be one of the most stubborn areas to target for weight loss. However, incorporating certain types of foods into your diet can help you achieve your weight loss goals and reduce belly fat. Here are five foods that have been proven...


Muscle pain
Muscle Soreness is one of the best feelings you can get as a gym trainee. It means you have done a good job there, but sometimes they are just too much where they start to interfere with your daily functions. Now, you can’t magically cure them,...

The Future is Here: The All-New Apple iPhone 14

iPhone 14
The latest iteration of the iPhone line is here and it's better than ever. The iPhone 14 is packed with innovative technology that will change the way you use your phone. With its sleek design and cutting-edge features, it's sure to impress. Design: One of the...

What foods will make you fat very quickly?

No single foods will make you fat very quickly. Most gains in the weight and fat mass are made through a caloric surplus. It’s an equation of energy, not a reaction to single foods. Noticeable, longer-term gains in weight and fat mass are made through habits,...

Top 5 Games to Play with your Friends

5 games
Even for those of us who enjoy spending time alone at home, at a certain point, it just gets boring. We all need social interaction, but with stay-at-home orders, that can be hard to come by. If you're feeling the itch to hang out...

5 Productive Things You Can Do During Quarantine .

produtive things
There is no doubt that the lockdown changed our everyday life. We now find ourselves at home, only able to go out for essential things like getting groceries or medicines. With talks of an extended home quarantine being necessary to flatten the curve, it seems...

Movies You Must Watch In Quarantine

Who could have imagined, when we entered 2020, that we’d be encouraged by our bosses to work from home, covetously stockpile pasta and anything in a jar, and get snippy with strangers over the last toilet roll in the supermarket? Or, indeed, that watching...