
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

Josh Billings (a.k.a. Henry Wheeler Shaw; humorist and lecturer)

There are many times when we the dog lovers tend to put the Dog on God’s place. And there isn’t anything or anyone in this world breathing or alive that we can compare to the supreme, the reason being their valuable love that we get.

But harsh fact is that, people these days are mostly into abusing the animals and treating them like garbage for nothing but for their own selfish needs. What we can observe is that the stray dogs are treated with inhuman activities such as putting sticky paint on them, giving them unnecessary shave or throwing hot objects into them. It has also been seen that they are harmed in a very brutal manner and the question remains there standing – ‘How could you do that to those lovely creatures?’

There are studies and many true stories based on dogs (some movies on true stories are A Dog’s Purpose and Hachiko-The Dog) that will give you a clear vision of how they can be your true best friends and giving them love can help you receive the same. There are probably 600M dogs in the world out of which 400M dogs are counted under the head ‘strays’. If these stray dogs are treated inhumanely then there wouldn’t be much time left when the goodness from the earth will find its way out for good.

No breed ever has been found that cannot be your friend or protect you with care and faithfulness it is our primary responsibility to safe these creatures and respect that they are living homeless. A kind deed of feeding them or nurturing them with care isn’t going to harm anyone or make us lose something which we have. Instead there is a good deed we all will be doing in saving them from the harmful world.

All those stray dogs that we see have to search for food or a master to tag along with. If we give them a proper meal per day or even a kind gesture of patting them with love is more than enough.

The world is a small place yet huge and we are to love one another which counts not only the people you are with but also the dogs or should we say GODS we are surrounded with. There shouldn’t be any differences we should count on regarding how to treat them. Treat them how you would have treated your precious pet dogs or even your own child.

A better place waits for your better behavior towards the strays.


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