soda coldrinks

Hey folks, I am back with another health blog for you and this one is yet more interesting than the previous ones.

I hope you people are that smart to understand how much these soft drinks or Aerated drinks harm our bodies. However, today I have not come here to lecture you about the harms of drinking sodas.

But at the same time, you should also know that excess intake of the sodas can lead to heart attacks, diabetes and can spike your blood sugar levels.

It feels very awesome to pop a drink whenever we eat something but the lack of knowledge about what soft drink does to our body can befall us in big problems.

Today I will give you a long term solution for the soft drinks that most of you crave for, almost every now and then.

I want to discuss some alternatives to the soft drinks with you whenever you crave for some fizzy drinks.

Fruits & Vegetable Juice :

orange juice
orange juice

Juices are something we all like to have and it can also be made at home anytime.

The best news about juices it that they are healthy whether it is a fruit or a vegetable juice. You can squeeze the juice of your favorite fruit and I bet it is the best alternative of a soft drink.

The problem with drinks having fizz is that they consist of carbonated water and artificial sweeteners which lead to obesity and is bad for your bones.

The juice is, therefore, a healthy approach and once you adopt a habit of adding it n your routine, it will stick with you forever.

Coconut Water :

Coconut Water

Coconut Water

Coconut water is  personally my favorite drink.

It is a great alternative to soda since it is very sweet & refreshing and at the same time healthy for your immune system.

However, make sure that you buy coconut water that does not have any added sugars in it. These days there are many outlets which provide it in glasses like juices but you should have it pure directly from the coconut itself.

Since if there would be added sugars, then your purpose of replacing sodas would be defeated in that case.

Homemade Milkshake OR Smoothie :

strawberry smoothie


I know there are many smoothie lovers here and since people are getting health conscious nowadays, milkshakes have become trendsetters.

Milkshake is so versatile from all of these categories that a number of contents can be added in it.

Milkshakes can be combined with fruits, dry fruits, cherries, whey protein, Ice creams, chocolates and much more.

I think smoothies are the best alternative to sodas since they can be consumed fresh and cold. Besides, you can take it as a one time meal by making it thick.

Lemon Juice :

Lemon water

Lemon water

Lemon water is the only drink which is not only healthy but can also guarantee fat loss especially when taken empty stomach in the morning.

These days, people also take it in the form of mojitos which again consists of soda. Yeah, it can be consumed sometimes but not always.

Coriander leaves are good if taken with lemonade and it will also enrich you with Vitamin C. Lemon water is also great for your immune system and eliminates all the waste and toxins out of your body via urine.

In summers, lemonade is the best option if you are thirsty enough. You can also add a pinch of rock salt and sugar when you crave for something sweet.

Iced Tea :

Iced Tea

Iced Tea


HAHAHAAH, that sounds a bit crazy because I can’t find a one who doesn’t have this beverage till now. If you find that rare breed, please give me his contact. Just kidding guys !!

Love is in the tea. I think mostly every one of you drinks tea or coffee one day or another.

But Iced tea is something which has the ability to replace aerated drinks since it is too tasty and makes you energetic.

The sweet and a bit sour taste of Iced tea makes it still a decent alternative of the Fizzy drinks that we crave for, in this hot weather.

I suggest you try these alternatives and let us know what is your top drink which would drink if there were no sodas !!!!

JUST IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT SODAS !! I know it is very hurting but once you start adding these options to your lifestyle, it will make your life better.


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