5 Productive Things You Can Do During Quarantine .

produtive things

There is no doubt that the lockdown changed our everyday life. We now find ourselves at home, only able to go out for essential things like getting groceries or medicines.

With talks of an extended home quarantine being necessary to flatten the curve, it seems that we will find ourselves inside our homes for another few weeks. Below are the five productive things that you can do while you are still stuck at home.

1. Learn A SKILL


Money is made when you add value and solve problems. Learning a skill that allows you to solve a problem or sell a solution to a problem makes you valuable to people like business owners or your desired marketplace.

List Of High Income Skills To Learn

1: Software and Web Development

2: Entrepreneurship

3: Copywriting, Business Writing, Technical Writing

4: Specialized or Technical Skills

5: Web Design and Digital Marketing

6: Teaching, Training or Coaching

7: Creative Skills

8: Financial Skills

2. Read Books

Bookworms have this never-ending list of “to-read” books and being at home all the time seems to be the perfect time to tick off some titles on that list.

Reading is important because it develops our thoughts, gives us endless knowledge and lessons to read while keeping our minds active. Reading books can help us learn, understand and makes us smarter. Not to mention the knowledge, vocabulary expansion and thinking skills we develop, so read a good book today.

3. Listen to Podcast


Podcasting is a way of distributing audio files via the Internet. A podcast is an audio file that can be downloaded from the Internet, often in MP3 format. Once a podcast has been downloaded, it can be listened to on a computer, or be transferred to a portable device such as a mobile phone, or a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).

Podcasts aren’t only good entertainment, but also great education. The time you’d normally spend doing those mindless chores or exercising can be used to help you prepare for the next phase of your career.

There are a ton of shows out there that teach you about specific fields of study and career paths.

4. Meditation


Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.

There’s no such thing as perfect meditation. Sometimes your focus will wander or you’ll forget to follow your breath. That’s OK. It’s part of the experience. What’s most important is to meditate consistently. It’s one of those things where the journey is more important than the destination.

5. Write in a journal


Sitting at home binge watching Netflix may not feel like you’re doing much, but you’re actually living through a major historical event that people will learn and talk about for generations after this is all over. Writing a journal will help you not just preserve your memories but will also help you process your feelings about this time that manages to feel simultaneously terrifying and immensely boring. You could also consider making it a gratitude journal.


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